Monday 25 July 2011

Responsible Divorce

Today, the 25th of July 2011, the law for a responsible divorce has been passed by the House. Being younger than history, I don't remember any law the caused so much havoc and chaos, as well as a low that had to undergo such a rigorous three way test (Parliament-Referendum-Parliament). It is a law that once again polarized the parties into their respective pole, thus highlighting that pole.

The most highlighted position was that of the Nationalist Party, and how close it still is to the Church. The PN, or rather some of its members including the leader, has gone through a circus of somersaults from offering a free vote to its members while taking a position against, to asking the people to decide through a referendum while continuing to completely disregard the people's choice. Its been a like a confused choreography created for a music the choreographer doesn't like. The problem is that the choreographer being the prime minister, makes it hard for him to manage a country he doesn't represent any more. How can the people who voted yes for the introduction for the divorce law trust him and his obstinate colleagues??

Nonetheless the law has overcome all the ill-winds. All the trials that have been politically set to destroy it from inception. We should be happy for the ground we have earned. We should now continue working towards educating people about relationships (the government will have to start) and creating services to help individuals, couples, and families to go through life-cycle hurdles, basically tough times families go through and which make them head towards separation and divorce. The government should start planning, we have started working ages ago to fill the gaps the government leaves with ghost services.

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